Through our Active Management Process (AMP), we establish the absolutes of safety, quality, delivery, and cost efficiency for every Thunderbird company. We set measures for ongoing improvements in each area. Our team identifies and implements capital investments. At each company, management and the workforce have the power to conduct ongoing improvements. Those who contribute earn rewards and recognition.
Safety committees at each of our companies meet monthly to review accidents and set training agendas. At least one safety improvement each month must be completed. To ensure progress, we continuously monitor and recognize safety-integration performance.
Quality assurance applies to every area of operation within Thunderbird companies. Visual metrics documenting performance are broadcast daily throughout each company's operations.
We are driven to ensure on-time deliveries and constant customer communication. We invest in a range of capabilities, including project management, ERP oversight, wireless warehouse management, production scheduling and monitoring. We reward contributions to simplicity and efficiency, as reductions in complexity bring reductions in cost.
Wall-to-wall employee participation is central to the evolution of our organizations. Monthly employee council meetings and quarterly town hall gatherings make performance metrics transparent to all.